Bee-ginner’s Beekeeping: The Basics of Apiculture
October 11-13, 2017
9am-4pm for first two days; 9am-12pm on the last day
This two and a half-day apiculture course includes hands-on training on a number of important topics related to beekeeping, including assembling hives and opening and examining colonies. From disease and mite prevention and hive management to honey production, this class will cover everything you need to know to further your hobby or get your business off the ground!
CAUTION: As you will be working around live bee colonies, please remember to wear light-colored and smooth-textured clothing, as dark-colored, textured and woolly clothing can aggravate the bees. Please refrain from using perfume or hair gel and keep jewelry to a minimum. Warmer weather means more active bees! We strongly encourage attendees to bring a beekeeping veil and/or a hat to cover your hair.
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