The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Queen-Rearing Workshop – Byron, IL

- June 3, 2017 -


Jun 03, 2017    
9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Jarrett Nature Center
7993 N River Rd, Byron, IL, 61010

This one-day queen-rearing workshop is designed to provide information for rearing quality queens. Instruction on selecting queen genetics as well identifying desired traits in bees and how to breed for them is included. Each participant will take home a grafting tool, cell bar, queen cups and handouts. Participants should have a minimum of two seasons of beekeeping experience and should be conversant with queen rearing concepts and terms such as found in Laidlaw and Paige’s “Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding” or “Queen Rearing Essentials” by Larry Connor, published by Wicwas Press. Summaries of queen rearing concepts can also be found on the Michael Bush web site.

Different methods of queen rearing will be covered including:

  • Grafting
  • Miller method
  • Jenter/Nicot system
  • Cell punch method
  • Cloake board

Cost: $75 non-members, $60 for IQI members; participants can join and pay member rates at the door. Price includes lunch and refreshments.

To register send your phone number, email address and check payable to the Illinois Queen Initiative to:

IQI treasurer
Tim Lindley
1222 Airport Ave., Greenville, IL. 62246

Or pay with PayPal or credit card and receive a receipt.


Direct registration questions to Tim Lindley at (618) 780-3772 or Annual dues are $25 and are optional. Paid members get discounts to classes and future meetings, including the IQI annual meeting. Questions about the class should be directed to Jeff Ludwig at or Stu Jacobson at

This is an IQI approved workshop for qualifying as an IQI Producer