The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Eastern Missouri Beekeepers 10th Annual Beekeeping Workshop and Banquet

- February 11, 2017 -


Feb 11, 2017    
Please Verify Hours


Maritz Theater
1400 South Highway Dr., Fenton, MO, 63099

The Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association (EMBA) will offer a full day of professional beekeeping instruction for beginners and experienced beekeepers on Saturday, February 11, 2017, at Maritz in Fenton, Missouri. Registrants are encouraged to attend The Fifth Annual EMBA St. Louis Beekeepers Mardi Gras Banquet the evening before the workshop on Friday, February 10, at Maritz.

Leading beekeeping educators, and honey bee health specialists at the University of Minnesota Bee Lab, and the Honey Bee Research Centre at the University of Guelph will be among the visiting faculty leading the workshop. Instructors will include Dr. Becky Masterman, Minnesota Bee Lab Team Leader, Jessica Helgen, Minnesota Bee Lab Bee Squad Instructor, Paul Kelly, Guelph Honey Bee Research Centre, Research and Apiary Manager, and Daniel Thurston, Research Technician, Ontario Beekeepers’ Association, Technology Transfer Program.

The Experienced Beekeepers course will be tailored towards intermediate and expert level beekeepers and will place special emphasis on hive management and honey bee health issues.

The Beginners Beekeeping course is intended for novice beekeepers and persons with no prior beekeeping experience. The class will cover all aspects of basic beekeeping to prepare students to start keeping bees in 2017.

Tuition for the workshop is $85 per person if registered by January 22, 2017.
Tuition is $95 per person for those registering on or after January 23rd

Banquet registration costs $30 
Registration closes February 5th

Lunch and refreshments are included with the workshop. Registration packets will include course materials, an authoritative reference book, beekeeping periodicals, and equipment catalogs.

Registration is available online at

More information is available by email to or calling 314-669-1828.