The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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2016 West Sound Beekeepers Association Presents: Michael Palmer and The Sustainable Apiary

- October 22, 2016 -


Oct 22, 2016    
10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Central Kitsap High School
3700 Anderson Hill Road, Silverdale, WA

The West Sound Beekeepers Association is bringing in Michael Palmer to speak. This is a great opportunity for beeks and bee friendlies in our area to hear from a well traveled beekeeper. Michael will be speaking at our local high school auditorium in Silverdale WA and will be covering topics like: building a sustainable apiary, over wintering nucs, queen rearing and bee/queen genetics. As a community out reach we are also making 25 tickets available to high school science/biology students and their teachers at no cost.

Ticket Prices: $35

More information at