The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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104th Iowa Honey Producers Association Conference and Annual Meeting

- November 11, 2016 -


Nov 11, 2016 - Nov 12, 2016    
Please Verify Hours


Clarion Hotel & Convention Center
525 33rd Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA

The IHPA Annual Meeting will be held Friday, November 11th and Saturday, November 12th at the Clarion Hotel and Convention Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
(Friday and Saturday ~~ Registration: 8:00 am  ~~ Conference/Annual Meeting: 8:30 am)

Room rates for the IHPA members are:
$72 plus taxes with reservations made by Thursday, October 27th.

The IHPA Conference and Annual Meeting is our yearly opportunity to get together and discuss the wonders as well as mysteries of beekeeping.  This meeting is open to anyone interested in beekeeping or honeybees.  We have a variety of guest speakers from across the United States come to speak on their expertise in the beekeeping world.

For current beekeepers this is a great time to hear what is new in beekeeping or ask questions of those with a greater number of years’ experience.  Those who are thinking about getting started in beekeeping will have numerous chances to ask, ‘What’s it like to keep bees?”  There will be no shortage of answers!  Beekeepers love to share the stories, fun, and enjoyment they have found in beekeeping.

2016 Conference and Annual Meeting Speakers include the following:
James Tew, Jennifer Berry, Charlotte Hubbarb, Andy Joseph, Andy Hemken, the Iowa Honey Queen and more!

Additional information in The Buzz Newsletter and
Event will include cooking, photo, hive body, and mead contest rules, plus luncheons and banquet information.