Presented by the Honey and Pollination Center and The California Pollinator Consortium
Date: Thursday, July 18 – Saturday, July 20, 2019
Opening Reception: Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Location: University of California, Davis
Theme: “Multidimensional Solutions to Current and Future Threats to Pollinator Health”
Early-bee registration: $325 (General), $150 (Student)
After May 15, 2019: $425 (General), $250 (Student)
We invite researchers, educators, beekeepers, policy-makers, and others with interest in pollinator health to join us in Davis, California starting on the evening of July 17 for the welcome reception that will be followed by three days of oral and poster presentations.
The conference will cover a range of topics in pollinator research, from genomics to ecology, and their application to land use and management, breeding of managed bees, and monitoring of global pollinator populations. For each session we will also develop policy briefs, which will summarize key knowledge on relevant topics and we will offer suggestions for how these can inform different aspects of legislation, regulation, and practice to improve bee health.