2 Cs and a Bee Beekeeping Association
President: Bernie Svidergol executive1@ccbee.org
Vice President: Amber Lewis Vicepresident@ccbee.org
Secretary: Helen Evans secretary@ccbee.org
Allegheny Mountain Beekeepers Association
c/o Ben Cooper, 15075 Main St., Hyndman, PA 15545
President: Ben Cooper cooper5@HerInTown.net
Vice-President: Brian Umstead
Treasurer/Secretary: Mike Burkert
Main Contact: Ben Cooper
Meetings: 2nd Friday of every month at 7 p.m.
Location: LaVale Library – Lavale, MD 21502
Armstrong-Indiana Beekeepers Association
450 Freeport Road, Butler, PA 16002
President: Lynda Reich honeysweet@zoominternet.net 724-283-8637
Secretary: Eleda Swank
Main Contact: Lynda Reich
Beaver Valley Area Beekeepers Association
711 Hall St., Aliquippa, PA 15001
President: Rob Steffes robertsteffes@hotmail.com 724-378-7204
V-President: Tom Johnson
Treasurer: Dan Worst danandnancyw@comcast.net
Secretary: Lyn Szymkiewicz lynszym@verizon.net
Main contact info: Rob Steffes robertsteffes@hotmail.com 724-378-7204
Beekeepers of the Susquehanna Valley
226 Hemsarth Rd., Millville, PA 17846
Treasurer: William Blodgett
Secretary: Brenda Aucker
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of each month
Location: varies
Capital Area Beekeepers’ Association
Harrisburg, PA
President: Sam Garula thebeekeeper@farmoccasions.com
Secretary: Linda Purcell linda.sweetbee@gmail.com
Location: Pennsylvania State Farmshow Complex, McClay Street, Harrisburg, PA
Chester County Beekeepers Association
President: Linda Betlejeski birchroadfarm@verizon.net
V-President: Frank Ruthkosky fruthkosky@taylorgifts.com
Treasurer: George Biles gjbiles@yahoo.com
Secretary: Charles Karat ckarat@operamail.com
Meetings & Location: see http://www.chescobees.org/ (dates & times vary)
Monroe County Beekeepers Association
c/o RR 3 Box 3170, Snow Hill Road, Cresco, PA 18326
President: Rev. Michael J. Salnicky pocbkpr@earthlink.net
Vice-President: Glenn Bachman bkeeper@ptd.net
Treasurer: Richard Sudnik spanky@epix.net
Secretary: Laurel Bishow laurelbishow@yahoo.com
Main Contact: President or V-President
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. (February thru November)
Location: Monroe County Conservation District Ed Center, Running Valley Rd, Tannersville, PA
Montgomery County Beekeepers Association
P.O. Box 203, Hatfield, PA 19440
President: Mark Antunes president@montcobeekeepers.org
Vice-President: Brian Marcy vicepres@montcobeekeepers.org
Treasurer: treasurer@montcobeekeepers.org
Secretary: secretary@montcobeekeepers.org
Main Contact: inquiries@montcobeekeepers.org
Meetings: schedule at www.montcobeekeepers.org/calendar/aspx
Location: Montgomery County 4-H Center, 1015 Bridge Rd (Route 113), Skippack, PA 19426
Northwestern Pennsylvania Beekeepers Association
23273 Fry Road, Venango, PA 16440
President: Charlie Vorisek vbeefarm@windstream.net
V-President: Norm Pratt
Treasurer: John Haschalk
Secretary: Tara Miller
Main contact info: Charlie Vorisek vbeefarm@windstream.net
Meetings: 5 times yearly, Saturdays 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Location: Our Lady of the Lakes, Edinboro, PA
Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association
Stephen Repasky
3109 Pioneer Ave.
Pittsburgh, Pa 15226
(412) 445-7872
1st Vice President
Steve Finke
(610) 737-7676
2nd Vice-President
Mark Gingrich
Bob Tatro
110 Holly Hill Dr.
Oakdale, PA 15071
(412) 508-0820
Susquehanna Beekeepers Association NE PA
President: Dave Taylor 378-3728 drt105@aol.com
V-President: Aubrey Elbrecht 879-4733 aubrey.elbrecht@gmail.com
Meetings: 2nd Friday in April, May & June
Locations: Claverack Bldg., Montrose, PA
York County Beekeepers’ Association
c/o 1722 Union Church Rd., Seven Valleys, PA 17360
President: Jeremy Barnes mailto:babathemba@mac.com
Vice-President: Julie Kurtz sgtmom52@aol.com
Treasurer: Erin Fetters erinthebee@gmail.com
Secretary: Gail Leasure twinhopes@zoominternet.net
Main Contact: Jeremy Barnes, 717-428-1144, mailto:babathemba@mac.com
Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m., Jan – Sept
Location: Community Room of Penn State, York Campus