Care for Your Bees, and Your Loved Ones
Dear Mr. Makovec,
I so appreciate your very touching, and oh so true, article in this month’s ABJ edition [From the Editor, April]. So often we believe we know what will happen until something unexpected happens. Such as a traumatic loss. As you eloquently and empathetically stated, it’s important not to take one’s bees and/or other loved ones for granted.
Note taken.
Jane Tausig
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Queen Marking Tips
When I was producing and selling queens my crew marked hundreds of thousands of queens. This is the method we used. First, we used hobby paint or nail polish. If you ever built a model airplane you know what I am talking about. Take the top of the container and cut a cork to fit into the bottle. Take a small drill and drill a hole in the cork. Take a coat hanger and cut to your desired length (3 to 4 inches long) File the end down so that it is flat. Place the rod in the cork and when you pull it out it wipes any excess paint off the sides of the rod. Perfect amount of paint to place on the thorax.
One can practice painting with drones. Fast and easy and we never had a complaint.
Now, if you seldom mark queens, take a Q-Tip and cut cotton off the end. Touch the tip into the paint, now touch the thorax with the tip.
If you have a better method, use it.
Morris Weaver
Inez, Texas
The Cost to Begin Beekeeping
Rusty Burlew’s cost article in the May issue was a delight. She hit the nail right on the head. Though I’m only going into my third year of having bees I could relate to many of the points she made to the extent of laughter. Blessings on you and her for such a delightful and informative magazine.
Bee well,
Mike McClain in East Texas