New Bees
I am very new at beekeeping, having received my nucs less than a week ago. I enjoy nature photography and have been observing the girls. I love this photo of them collecting pollen and resin — they are settling in nicely at their home in Robertsville.
Thanks for the great information your magazine provides!
Denise Cunningham
Ballwin, MO
Renewing subscriber writing to say thank you
I really appreciated the series of articles from Charles Linder. I’m in Geauga County, a rural area in Northeast Ohio. Currently I have hives across the street from a 20 acre or so field, and of course I would worry when I saw a spraying rig. A detailed write up of how corn and soy farming works just isn’t circulating widely, which is ridiculous, considering how much we rely on this and considering how many of us live next to farmed fields. And yet I knew there was a good chance that were I to go up to the farmer, they might assume that I would make unreasonable requests, or that they would see any request as an assumption they would be blamed if my hives died.
It’s human nature to worry about a spray being applied to farm fields in an area your bees may be foraging in. Hearing from one side that these common farm chemicals are bad for bees, and hearing the opposite from another source is not offering me information to judge whether I should have hives on a farmer’s property, or what to ask the farmer about. But a beekeeper-farmer, like Charles Linder, is in a perfect position to clarify what the farmers in the Midwest are likely applying, and that puts me in a better position to know what to ask the farmers who are closest to my hives.
So thanks to the ABJ for offering a platform for the beekeeper-farmer to tell us what we need to know about farming practices, and thanks to Charles Linder for taking the time to write up the articles.
Trish Harness,
Geauga County, Ohio
Repurposed package containers
Hi, I’d like to share a creation made with empty bee packages. I call it, “The hanging Gardens of Bee bylon.” Filled package with mulch, put in a handful of potting soil, and planted a petunia. As you can see, they really flourished.
Steve Gyuro
Franklin, Wisconsin
Homemade long hive update
November 2018 you printed a letter and pictures about my new long hives. March and February of this year were both 10 degrees below normal for Ohio. The top of ….