The conference will feature a beekeeping-related marketplace, and many breakout sessions focused on helping new and established beekeepers. The whole weekend of events is open to the public and those interested in beekeeping. Advance registration is required for a guarantee of lunch, but walk-ups are welcome. There are opportunities for attendees to be involved, including a photography contest, hive-painting contest, hands-on workshops and networking.
Friday night events include a social gathering sponsored by Healthberry Farm, which will feature a tasting of their Honey River meads and melomels (varietal honey wine), and a presentation on native bees. The vendor market will be open Friday evening as well.
Saturday’s featured speakers will be:
- Mel Disselkoen, author and inventor of the OTS Queen rearing method, sharing on hive management;
- Dr. Kirsten Traynor, an accomplished researcher and writer, presenting on simple and smart beekeeping methods;
- Sam Golston, master beekeeper and financial consultant, speaking on the topic of sustaining a beekeeping business;
- And Dr. Matt McKinney, speaking on native bees.
The topics of the breakout workshops are:
- Baking and Cooking with Honey
- Mead Making with Healthberry Farm
- OTS Queen Rearing
- The Pollination Business
- Propolis – from the Hive to the Bottle
- Simple, Smart Beekeeping Part II • What’s Wrong with My Hive?
The conference is presented by Barbour County Beekeepers Association, Highlands Apicultural Association and Upshur County Beekeepers Association, with support from West Virginia Beekeepers Association.
To register or learn more, visit