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Webinar Sep 19: The Yellow-legged Hornet in the USA: What does this mean for beekeepers?

- September 19, 2023 -


Sep 19, 2023    
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September (Tuesday) 19, 2023 7:30 pm ET
-a NY Bee Wellness webinar

Dr. Gard W. Otis, University of Guelph, Canada, and Institute of Bee Health, Switzerland

The Yellow-legged Hornet, Vespa velutina, naturally inhabits a large region in Asia, but since 2004 it has demonstrated its invasion potential by colonizing most of western Europe. The discovery of this social wasp in Savannah, Georgia, in August, 2023, has the potential to dramatically affect beekeeping in southeastern USA, the Pacific Northwest of North America, and several other regions of the world.

Gard will review the biology of the hornet and its serious effects on Apis mellifera colonies. He will provide details of the hornet’s invasion of Europe and of its recent detection in Georgia. Predictions of where within North America it is likely to survive will be reviewed. Finally, other exotic hornet species of concern for US beekeepers will be briefly addressed.

Dr. Gard Otis will discuss these topics and answer related questions during his talk.