The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association Spring Conference

- March 16, 2024 -


Mar 16, 2024    
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The Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association Spring Conference is back and admission is free!

Join us March 16, 2024 at the Wayne County Community College campus in Belleville, Michigan.

Honeybees & Pollinators – Beginning & Advanced Beekeeping – Pollinator Gardens – Exhibits -Family Friendly Event

Incredible line up of National and International Speakers like Cory Stevens on Why Virgin Queens are the Best… Jamie Walters, President of the Ohio Beekeepers Association on Spring Splits and Backyard Queen rearing… Declan Schroeder from Marla Spivak’s lab with the latest research on virus resistance in honey bees and all the way from the UK Stephen Martin on the mechanisms of varroa resistant honey bees…

Pre registration required at  (