Full details a https://www.umt.edu/bee/summer-field-days.php
Sign up at https://www.campusce.net/umextended/course/course.aspx?C=725&pc=13&mc=&sc=
Registration fees: $250
Course Description
Join Dr. Scott Debnam, Dr. Jerry Bromenshenk, and UM Master Beekeeper Tamila Morgan for an in-person short course in Missoula, Montana! Mornings are spent in the classroom with afternoons of hands-on practice in the apiary. Participants will learn about management of various pests and diseases, practice in a microscopy lab, and learn hive inspection techniques, as well as an introduction to queen rearing and grafting.
There is no formal prerequisite to attend this short course. However, we will be teaching intermediate level topics. To gain the most benefit from the course, students should possess the skill level to overwinter their own bees. This short course is not required for the Master Beekeeping Certificate Program, nor can it be used toward the requirements for the Certificate completion.
Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging, and personal safety equipment (bee suit, gloves, etc.). You will need a vehicle to travel between the classroom and field sites.
There will be shade and chairs available during the field portion, though note the temperature can be hot in late July. There is ample time to travel off site for lunch.
Additional course details and locations will be emailed to registrants.
Tentative Schedule
Saturday, July 27
Morning: Classroom instruction
- Circulatory system and the impacts that varroa mites have on individual honey bees and the colony. A breakdown of sampling techniques.
- Respiratory system and the impacts that tracheal mites have on individual bees and the colony.
- Digestive system and the impacts nosema has on individual bees and the colony. Nosema sampling overview.
Lunch break and travel to field site
Afternoon: Apiary techniques
- Colony handling techniques and inspections
- Nosema sampling
- Varroa sampling (mite rolls)
- Drone cell counting
- Sampling colonies for nosema (If desired, bring your own bees to sample)
- Q&A session with Scott, Jerry & Tamila: Future of Beekeeping, Technologies, plus open Q&A
Sunday, July 28
Morning: Classroom instruction
- Microscope overview and operation
- Nosema diagnosis using microscopy (If desired, bring your own bees to sample)
- Queen Rearing: Breeder queen and cell builder colony set up and management
Lunch break and travel to field site
Afternoon: Apiary techniques
- Overview of mite treatments and application
- Demonstrations of foulbrood treatments preparation and application
- Nosema treatment preparation and application
- Grafting queens
- Q&A session with Scott, Jerry & Tamila: Insights on starting your own queen-rearing operation, plus open Q&A