The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Illinois State Beekeepers – 125th Annual Fall Meeting

- November 12, 2016 -


Nov 12, 2016    
Please Verify Hours


Illinois Dept. of Agriculture Building Auditorium
801 E Sangamon Ave, Springfield, IL, 62702

The Illinois State Beekeepers will hold their 125th Annual Fall Meeting on November 12th, 2016 at the Illinois Department of Agriculture on the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield Illinois.

Two featured speakers will each give two presentations.  Dr. Meghan Milbrath of Michigan State University, Department of Entomology will speak on managing for the Varroa destructor mite and breeding for Varroa destructor resistance.

Dr. Leo Sharashkin of and editor of “Keeping Bees With a Smile” will speak on natural beekeeping and horizontal hive management.

Also as an interest feature, John Pashia from Eastern Missouri Beekeeping Association will have on display, his collection of antique smokers.

Information will be posted to  email for information.