Hampton Roads Beekeepers present:
Grafting Queens for the Backyard Beekeeper
January 26, 2019 10am – 4pm, cost $35, seating limited to 30.
This intermediate seminar, presented by Dr. Sean Kenny, is for the beekeeper with two or more hives who wants to rear their own queens by grafting larvae. This class teaches the principles of queen rearing and mating nuc setup that are scaled down from the successful commercial methods so that the proficient beekeeper can raise 5-10 queen cells in a single queenless starter/finisher hive with minimal specialized equipment.
Topics covered will include stimulus for queen rearing; timing of queen rearing; stock selection; grafting tools and other equipment; preparing the colony; grafting techniques; developmental process from egg to queen; and mating nuc setup.
Please visit http://www.hamptonroadsbeekeepers.org/class.html