The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Eastern Missouri Beekeepers to Host 15th Annual Beekeeping Workshops

- February 12, 2022 -


Feb 12, 2022    
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February 5th and February 12th, 2022

Beekeeping Educators, Scientists, and Health Inspectors to Present Virtual Courses for Experienced and Beginner Beekeepers

The Eastern Missouri Beekeepers Association (EMBA) will offer two days of professional, virtual beekeeping instructional presentations for beginners and experienced beekeepers, by ZOOM Webinar, on Saturday, February 5, and Saturday, February 12, 2022. Registrants may attend either or both courses for a single tuition charge of $20. Beekeeping extension educators, research scientists, and honey bee health experts from some of the country’s foremost university extension bee labs will be among the visiting faculty.

Instructors for the experienced beekeepers course will include Dr. Jennifer Tsuruda, Assistant Professor of Entomology, University of Tennessee, and Mary Reed, Chief Apiary Inspector for the Texas Apiary Inspection Service (TAIS).

Members of the University of Minnesota Bee Lab, Bee Squad will lead the beginners’ course. Instructors will include Bridget Mendel Lee, Bee Lab Team Leader, Becky Masterman, PhD., Bee Squad Instructor, and Ana Heck, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology.

The Beginner Beekeeping course will be offered on February 5. This course is intended for novice beekeepers and persons with no prior beekeeping experience. The class will cover all aspects of basic beekeeping to prepare students to start keeping bees in 2022.

The Experienced Beekeepers course will be offered on February 12. This course is intended for hobbyist, sideliner, and commercial beekeepers. The course will place special emphasis on hive management and improving colony health.

Registrants may attend one or both courses for one payment of $20.

EMBA supports beekeepers with a broad range of cooperative procurement and educational events throughout the year. Members may obtain complete equipment kits, nucleus bee colonies, and queens for delivery in the spring. The Club also sponsors open hive instructional workshops and guided colony health monitoring during the season, at the Club’s teaching apiary in Creve Coeur, Missouri.

Registration is available online at  More information is available by email to or calling 314-669-1828.