The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Connecticut Beekeepers Association-Winter Meeting

- February 13, 2016 -


Feb 13, 2016    
Please Verify Hours


Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
123 Huntington St, New Haven, CT

The Connecticut Beekeepers Association will hold their winter meeting. Our speaker will be Aaron Morris from New York State.

His morning topic will be:
Growing a hobby into a Successful Sideline Business.

His afternoon topic will be:
Nucs and Splits

In 2015, Aaron harvested over 3 tons of honey from his bee colonies which are located in New York State.

The meeting starts at 9am and will be held at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 123 Huntington St, New Haven, CT. We will have a pot luck luncheon and a tea cup auction. Please bring something tasty to share and consider donating something for the auction. More information is available at: