The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Advanced Queen Rearing Course – Illinois

- April 6, 2019 -


Apr 06, 2019    
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


I Hotel Conference Center
1900 S 1st Street, Champaign, IL, 61820

This is a special class geared toward advanced queen rearing methods. This class will address introduction, care and management of breeder queens. It will also address advanced methods such as stock improvement, Varroa testing and drone management. The goal of the class is to expand skills necessary to improve distribution of Varroa sensitive genetics into the beekeeping community. Our presenters are Dwight Wells, founder of the Heartland Honey Beekeepers Cooperative and Dorothey Morgan, president of the Kentucky Queen Breeders Association. The course is required for anyone wanting to purchase instrumentally inseminated queens having heightened sensitivity to Varroa mites that will be offered through the IQI.

Fee: $75.00

For further information and to register (REQUIRED) go to: