The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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2019 Heartland Apicultural Society Conference – KY

- July 8, 2019 -


Jul 08, 2019 - Jul 10, 2019    
Please Verify Hours


Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd, Bowling Green, KY, 42101

Online registration is underway for the Heartland Apicultural Society (HAS) conference, coming July 8-10, 2019 to the campus of Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, KY. Keynotes, breakout sessions, vendors, and dining will all be held in the Downing Student Union with apiaries a short walk away. Registrants can choose from lodging in dorm rooms or local hotels in Bowling Green.

Keynote speakers include Jay Evans – USDA Beltsville Bee Lab, Jerry Hayes – Vita Bee Health, Reed Johnson – Ohio State, Juliana Rangel – Texas A&M, Jennifer Tsuruda – University of Tennessee, and Geoff Williams – Auburn. The schedule of speakers can be found on the HAS website at