The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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2018 Wyoming Bee University and Wyoming Bee College

- March 16, 2018 -


Mar 16, 2018 - Mar 18, 2018    
12:00 am


Laramie County Community College
310 West 19th Street #100, Cheyenne, WY

The University of Wyoming Laramie County Extension Office is pleased to announce the 2018 Wyoming Bee University and Wyoming Bee College held at Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, March 16-17-18, 2018.

The Bee University on Friday, March 16, offers four workshops for you to choose one from, they are. Apitherapy, Queen Bees, Advanced Beekeeping and Mead Making.

The Bee College, March 17-18, two days for you to choose what you need to learn the most about beekeeping or gardening for bees. Know someone who wants to become a beekeeper? The beginning basic beekeeper course will be back with Dr. Carolina Nyarady DVM as the instructor.

Registration is open via cost is; $125 for the Bee University, $85 for the Bee College or $195 for both programs.

All three days includes lunches, snacks and beverages. Saturday includes dinner. “Bee Buddies” kids 7-15 are free with a paying adult.

For more information go to or email Catherine Wissner at for a schedule.