The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Table of Contents

Contents – June 2021

- June 1, 2021 -

Take Our Reader Survey – 596

International Honey Market Report
Ron Phipps597

Prized Honeys, Invasive Species and Biocontrols
M.E.A. McNeil615

Apiary Inspectors of America: Continental Collaboration Since 1938
Mary Reed623

The Mind of the Honey Bee
Peter L Borst637

The Harter Family Beekeepers: 120 Years of Honey
Pat Kittelson653

Contolling Varroa Mites Without Chemicals
Eric Talley661

Adaptation is a Tricky Word
Charles Linder665

Chronicle of a New Beekeeper
Dewey Caron671

The Tree Cavity
Markus Röck677

A Stationary Feast: Investigating the Relationships Between Honey Bees and Their Predators
Peter Keilty681