The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Table of Contents

Contents – January 2024

- January 1, 2024 -

Book Reviews: Winter Reads
Frédéric Eggers de Villepin, Carol Hrusovszky, Tina Sebestyen21

Good News from the EPA!
Randy Oliver39

Musings of an Old-timer, Part 3
Peter L Borst47

And Now, for Something Completely Different
Charles Linder53

2023 Field Trial of Matrices and Formulations for Extended-release Oxalic Acid
Randy Oliver61

A Better Home for Our Bees — A Modified AZ Hive
Dick Vermeulen69

Current Challenges for the Production of Certified Organic Honey Bee Products
Selina Bruckner, Robyn M. Underwood and Margarita M. López-Uribe79

Thermoregulation in Honey Bees, Part 2
Frédéric Eggers de Villepin87

Sweet Stingers Brings the Bees to its Customers
Carol Mowdy Bond91

Bees are astonishingly good at making decisions — Our computer model explains how that’s possible
Andrew Barron95

Observation Hive Drama — and Making Rational Decisions
Tina Sebestyen99