The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Table of Contents

Contents – December 2023

- December 1, 2023 -

Thermoregulation in Honey Bees, Part 1
Frédéric Eggers de Villepin1299

 Honey Bee Health: What Do Veterinarians Have to Do with It?
Breven Stark1309

The Status of Our Industry Regarding Varroa Management — Part 3: Reading the Fine Print
Randy Oliver1317

Trapouts — The Math Doesn’t Work
Richard Dunnagan1321

Honey Bee Genetics Affect Foraging Behaviors
Lori M. Thomas and Rodney A. Ewing1337

BeeHero and Beewise and Their Impact on Beekeeping
Charles Linder1339

Beekeeping in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Henry C. Mulzac1343

The Bees of Brazil — What Really Happened
Peter L Borst1347

Georgia’s Beekeeping Industry Responds to Impacts from Climate Change
Tahny Lou Vonan1355

The Drone Brood Escapade
Tina Sebestyen1359

Fertilization in Confinement
From the Archives1363