Starting January 1st Dr. Brock Harpur will be starting as assistant professor at Purdue University’s Department of Entomology, replacing Dr. Greg Hunt. Congratulations Brock!
Brock Harpur is currently a National Science and Engineering Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the Donnelley Centre, University of Toronto. His work brings together large data sets to explore the evolution and genetics of honey bees. Brock completed his Ph.D. on population genomics of honeybees at York University (Canada). He has established beekeeping programs in Northern Canada, worked with the City of Toronto to establish goals for pollinator health, and given public talks to dozens of local organizations. Brock has been awarded the Eickwort Award from the International Union for the study of Social Insects, the prestigious Julie Payette Research Scholarship from the National Science and Engineering Research Council, an Ontario Graduate Scholarship, the Entomological Society of Canada’s President’s Prize, and was an Elia Research Scholar during his time at York University.
The lab has positions available!
We have two Graduate Research Assistantships (Ph.D.) available beginning Summer/Fall 2019 in the lab. We’re looking for Ph.D. students to combine genomics, transcriptomics, computational biology, and biochemistry to understand how transcript regulation evolves and influences the behavior and physiology of eusocial bees. Application of molecular techniques and outreach to beekeepers and the community will be an integral part of the students’ training.
Interested candidates should contact Dr. Harpur. To be considered for this position send a C.V., contact information for 3 references and a 1-page cover letter describing research interests and background. We could also use some MsC students!
Contact Dr. Harpur: