The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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- October 1, 2024 - -(excerpt)

January 29, 1945 — June 27, 2024
by Debbie Seib, Vice President, American Beekeeping Federation

Troy Fore was the Executive Director for the American Beekeeping Federation for over 20 years, but he was so much more than that. He was a brother, a husband, a father, and a grandfather. In 2013, Troy was a Foundation Award recipient. Troy made friends like queens make bees. Here are some of the comments made by his friends.

Troy was a Spokesperson
Joan Gunter: “Troy and I worked together for years. I volunteered to help him with the registration desk at conferences and anything else that needed doing. We worked together on establishing the Foundation for the Preservation of Honeybees until I was put on the board. When Troy went to Washington on behalf of the beekeepers, everyone there knew him and respected his opinion. Troy was a true asset to beekeepers and will be missed.”

Troy was a Persuader
Tim Tucker: “I think it was at the Louisville convention in the early to mid 2000s and Troy asked me if I would be interested in heading up the membership committee. I said of course I would be glad to help. I asked him who was on the committee so I could get with them at the convention and have a short meeting.
“His reply came quickly: ‘As of right now … just you.’
“I expected a bit of a laugh or a chuckle from him, but there was nothing save his simple smile. I didn’t always know if he was kidding or not because he was so serious most of the time at the conventions.
“He had so much to do! But when he did laugh, you knew for sure that he was really amused.”

Troy was a Mentor
Gene Brandi: “I fondly remember the first time we met, which was in the bar at the ABF San Diego Convention hotel in 1979. The waitress asked Troy if he would like something to drink. Since he did not drink alcohol, he asked, ‘Do you have anything like Sarsaparilla?’ Troy represented the industry in a very professional manner as the face of the American Beekeeping Federation in Washington DC and around the world for many years. Troy was with me on my very first trip to Washington in 1993 where we prepared testimony in the 406 Case against Chinese honey imports. He knew his way around DC and was clearly well known by the legislators, staff, and agency folks with whom he dealt. The Speedy Bee was a groundbreaking newspaper in which Troy often published bee industry related articles not seen in other publications. I am forever grateful for Troy’s efforts to help establish the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees as well as all his work on behalf of the ABF and the entire bee industry.”

Troy was a Supporter
Patty Sundberg: “When I served as the chairperson of the American Beekeeping Federation Honey Queen program, I had the honor of working very closely with eight past presidents, Troy Fore and his office. Troy was always easy for me to talk to, and he and his staff knew every member by name and their voice on the phone. Troy knew his strengths and his weaknesses, one of which was telling anyone no. Troy always wanted the best for ABF and all our programs.”

Troy was a Manager and Editor
For years, Troy managed most of every year’s ABF conference. He had a staff of two young ladies that worked as tirelessly as he did. The three of them took care of all of ABF business including the magazine, the financials, and still found time to get out Speedy Bee magazine while helping with the local newspaper when needed. Troy worked with the Georgia State Police to publish their newsletter as well.

Troy was a Friend
Dave Hackenberg: “Troy was my friend long before our days of ABF leadership. We met at an ABF convention with our wives sitting on a bench out on a warm January morning somewhere just talking about what was happening in the beekeeping industry. From there Troy got on the ABF board and the rest has become a history lesson. He started Speedy Bee magazine about the same time. Not only was Troy ABF, he was the Google of any topic on bees, beekeeping, and our industry. If there was a question about bee policy, Troy either knew the answer or knew where to find it. When he went to Washington for the beekeeping industry and/or ABF he did not take no for an answer. Whether it was in the halls, offices, or restaurants, he was known as the man representing the honeybee industry and they knew him by name. He introduced me to many of these people, some of them are still in Washington, and they asked about Troy.”
So who was Troy Fore? He was the ABF Executive Director, a Spokesperson, a Persuader, a Mentor, a Supporter, and Manager and Editor. But more than anything, Troy was a Friend.