The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Hands-On Queen School

- May 27, 2023 -


May 27, 2023 - May 28, 2023    
Please Verify Hours

In this class you will get to practice grafting, building cell raisers, selecting queens for breeding, making mating nucs and raising successful walk-away splits- all in Comfort hives you steward on site!  

You’ll learn both 10-day cell and 2-day cell queen rearing strategies.   You’ll gather data on the effectiveness of each method and even get a chance to take some queens home with you to your home apiary.


This year we’re offering this work to a single cohort of students who will come for two intensive weekend sessions (May 27th-28th and July 1st-2nd). We’re offering an optional advanced session for students from 2022 & 2023 to come together and learn about advanced topics in beekeeping (July 29th-30th).

We’re super excited to be welcoming guest teachers from around the country. We have the pleasure of hosting Melanie Kirby of Zia Queen Bees for a second year in a row as she discusses queen selection and culture-building during our first weekend in May, Julia Mahood of Map My DCA will be teaching us all about finding and identifying drone congregation areas during the advanced session at the end of July, and Megan Mahoney will be performing an instrumental insemination demonstration during the advanced session as well. We (Ang and Bi) will be teaching during both the May 27th-28th and July 1st-2nd sessions as well, and onsite to host for all three weekends.