The Beekeepers of Indiana Fall Conference and Workshops will be held at Blue Gate Inn/PAC in Shipshewana, Indiana on October 29/30th, 2021. Our guest speakers are Ana Heck, University of Minnesota Bee Squad, and Selina Bruckner, Associate Professor at Auburn University.
Breakout sessions will include “Transitioning from Sideliner to Commercial,” “Essentials of Hive Inspections, What To Do,” “How to Get Started in Beekeeping,” and “Using Technology in Beekeeping.”
Saturday will include workshops for: Building Bee Equipment, Lighting Smokers, Making Candy Boards, Waxing Plastic Foundation, Feeding What and When.
We’ll have a raffle, an auction and a Honey show. New this year we will have a smoker contest.
Cost per member is $40 and $50 for non-members. All children 15 or under may register for $25. You need to be registered to attend Friday/Saturday and participate in any of the events. Juice and coffee will be available Saturday morning and your registration includes an Amish buffet lunch.
More Information about the agenda, workshops, directions, link for hotel, etc has been posted on our website under