The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861
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Honey Bee Seminar – Tampa Bay Beekeepers

- September 28, 2019 -


Sep 28, 2019    
Please Verify Hours


Hillsborough County Fairgrounds
215 Sydney Washer, Dover, Florida, 33527

We are offering a single day seminar to provide you with a great introduction into keeping bees for yourself.

We will have stations manned by experts in the field teaching different subjects. After the seminar you will know how to get how to get started with your new hobby: Beekeeping! We cover things such as: Starting a Hive, Queen Bees, Hive construction, Rules and Regulations, Honey Extraction, Tools and Equipment, Pest and Diseases and Hive inspections.

Beekeeping equipment suppliers will be on site if you care to purchase equipment to get you started.

Registration is open at 8 a.m. with coffee and doughnuts, We start prompt at 9:00 a.m. please come on time to get the full benefit of the seminar.

Lunch will be provided and there will be refreshments available throughout the day.

At the end of the seminar, beekeeping related door prizes will be raffled off.

Bring your curiosity and attend the Honey Bee Seminar, soon you will have the knowledge to have your own bees!

Early Registration with Eventbrite $25.- after 9/25/19 & at the door $30.-.

More information from Tampa Bay Beekeepers Association