The 7th annual fall meeting of the Illinois Queen Initiative (IQI) will be held Saturday, October 29, 2016 from 9 am to 4 pm at the Asmark Institute Agricenter, 14171 Carole Drive, Bloomington, Illinois; Doors open at 8:30. The IQI is an organization of volunteers dedicated to educating Illinois beekeepers on rearing queens, with an emphasis on locally-adapted, disease and mite resistant stocks. Our featured speaker is Dr. Meghan Milbrath, a researcher at Michigan State University and coordinator of the Michigan Pollinator Initiative who also runs 200 of her own colonies. She will be presenting her study comparing different nuc box designs and methods for overwintering nucs. Additional presentations include Dr. Stu Jacobson’s on “Honey bee breeding as if varroa mattered” and Jim Landau’s on his comparison study of different methods of introducing virgin queens. This is the 2nd year the IQI has brought Indiana mite biter queens into Illinois and Scott Martin will report on the progress of this project. Beekeepers are invited to bring and show gadgets of their own making that are used in raising queens or producing nucs. There also will be as honey bee plant and seed swap.
Cost of reservation is $30 for paid IQI members and $45 for non-members; registration includes lunch. Non-members may register and join at the same time for $55. Dues for 2017 are payable at the meeting. Paid members receive discounts on classes and future meetings. Make checks payable to the IQI and send to: Tim Lindley, 1222 Airport Ave., Greenville, IL 62246. Direct questions about reservations to Tim at (618) 780-3772; for questions about the program contact Stu Jacobson at (217) 498-7223.