The Beekeeper’s Companion Since 1861



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Copy and Contract Regulations

  1. 10 percent discount on 12 consecutive insertions of classified advertising if contracted in advance. 5 percent discount on 6 consecutive insertions.
  2. 20 percent discount on 12 consecutive insertions of display advertising if contracted in advance. 10 percent discount on 6 consecutive insertions.
  3. 15 percent discount to recognized advertising agencies.
  4. Prepayment and credit references required on all new advertising.
  5. All advertising subject to approval. No medical or objectionable advertising accepted.
  6. Key numbers at advertiser’s risk unless part of the repro copy.
  7. All agreements are subject to contingencies beyond the publisher’s control. In addition, the publisher shall not be liable for damages if for any reason he fails to publish an advertisment.
  8. The American Bee Journal is not responsible for claims made as a result of advertisements printed in the magazine, including without limitation, those resulting from libel, violation of rights of privacy, plagiarism and copyright and trademark infringement.
  9. Charges may be made for artwork, layout, and complex typesetting and composition. For further information, contact the American Bee Journal.

Issuance and Closing Dates

The American Bee Journal is published monthly and mailed the last week of the month preceding cover date.

Orders close the 20th of the second month preceding cover date. For example, orders for the September issue must be reach us by July 20th. All ad copy must be in our hands by the 20th. Ads received after that date automatically will be held for the following month’s ABJ.

Cancellations are not accepted after closing date.

Mechanical Requirements

  1. Size of repro – repro proofs for single column must measure width of 2-1/8 inches. two column 4-1/2 inches, three column 6-3/4 inches.
  2. Depth of column 9-5/8 inches.
  3. Three columns to a page.
  4. Center double page 9-5/8 inches deep and 14-1/2 inches wide.
  5. Page type size 6-3/4 x 9-5/8 inches.
    Half page vertical 4-1/2 x 7 inches.
    Half page horizontal 6-3/4 x 4-3/4 inches.
    Quarter page vertical 3-5/16 x 4-3/4 inches.
    Quarter page horizontal 6-3/4 x 2-1/4 inches.
  6. Minimum size of advertisement 1 inch x 1 column.
  7. All ads may be submitted by e-mail, on disk (CD or DVD), camera-ready or neatly typed with layout indicated.
  8. Where proofs are required, copy must be received 8 weeks before date of issue.
  9. All graphic files and application files must be in PC format.


For graphics included in an ad, line art should be at a minimum of 600 DPI and for artwork a minimum resolution of 300 DPI is required. All graphics can be in TIFF or JPEG file extension and for a JPEG have a quality of 5 or greater. CMYK or Grayscale.

For ads, acceptable application programs are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Word, or a good quality hard copy.
Be sure to call us at (217) 847-3324 for any questions regarding other file formats or programs you may be using.